A Roman Catholic community of faith serving the Lord in word and deed
Faith & Works Appeal 2025
Our Faith & Works Annual Appeal for the Diocese of Tulsa & Eastern Oklahoma begins on Sunday, March 2nd. If you have given in the past, you should have already received a letter asking for your pledge in the mail. If you have not pledged, you will have the opportunity to donate during all the Masses. Whether you have given in the past, or you wish to be a first-time giver, I ask that you give prayerful consideration to donating this year.
Our church family is much bigger than our parish. It is up to all of us to help provide for the 78 parishes and 2 missions in Eastern Oklahoma, including the Church of the Madalene, with the services and ministry resources that no single parish could provide for itself. It is also important to remember many of these services we benefit from throughout the year.
Some of these ministries are: Adult Faith Formation Parish Support; Children, Youth and Young Adult Ministries, Clergy & Vocation Support; Community Safety; Family & Pro-Life Ministries. Please join us this weekend of March 1 & 2 in helping our faith go further by making a pledge to the Faith & Works Annual Appeal.
For more information about the appeal, including making an on-line pledge, you can go to: www.dioceseoftulsa.org/annualappeal.
A Roman Catholic community of faith serving the Lord in word and deed